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Thursday, October 27, 2011
Keep That Water Flowing
Welcome One Welcome All To Ask The Dubb Thursdays. Where the motto is “You Aint Gotta Fake It In Here”
Ok Ladies we got another Anonymous guy post in the Honesty Box of “Dubbspot Blogsite” on facebook. Ladies if you don’t want to email us a comment, post it in the Honesty Box of “Dubbspot Blogsite”
Ok so this topic tonight is more like a Q&A kind of deal. Anonymous #2 wanted to ask you ladies, “What Turns you off in the Bedroom?”
To add on to this and make it a little more interesting, Explain some situations that you have that were terrible or name some situations that made you Praise His Name!
Fellas explain what you like or Hate as well!
P.S. Remember The Anonymous Button is Always A Option
Thursday, October 20, 2011
I Want The Title
Once again Welcome To Ask The Dubb Thursdays. Where our motto is: You Aint Gotta Fake It In Here. Up til today all of our topics have come from women, but tonight we had a guy post a honesty box comment in “Dubbspot Blogsite” On Facebook. So this guy had an anonymous questions he wanted to ask the ladies.
And I Quote:
“When everything is going good in a relationship, why do women always want to define and put titles on what is going on?”
So lets play on that question a little bit.
Guys, do you agree that women want to define everything!?!?
Ladies, Do you feel its not serious unless there are titles involved!?!?
Lets Weigh In… And Welcome To All our New Followers
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Ghost Of P@$$! Past
There are a few newcomers to The Dubb Spot, I want to say welcome! Every Thursday night at 8PM Eastern Time, we have a different topic we speak on. These topics come directly from our fans and visitors. You can send us a topic by emailing us at dubbnote@gmail.com, or the honesty box on facebook of "dubbspot blogsite". We have been getting alot of topics so dont feel discouraged if we dont get to it right away.
Ok so this was another topic that was sent to the honesty box on Facebook of "dubbspot blogsite".
So if youre in a new relationship, can you still be friends, text, hang out with your ex!?!?
Can you handle your partner being friends with their ex!?!?
Has this ever happened, and how did you deal!?!?
And please don't forget the motto, "you ain't gotta fake it in here"
P.S. You can post as anonymous....
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wait For It....
Somebody sent this topic to the honesty box of "dubbnote blogsite" on Facebook.
This topic is pretty self explanatory.
Ladies, after u meet a guy how long do you wait before u give it up!?!?
Fellas, how long do you take on trying to get it before you give up!?!?
P.S. Does Eddie hold some validity behind what he is saying!?!?
Remember the motto, You ain't gotta fake it in here!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Virus-Linked Oral Cancer On Rise In Men, Study Says
Usually ASk The Dubb Topics Are Done On Monday And Thursday, But Had to Make an exception today
Just Got Some Ground-Breaking News from the Charlotte Observer
More males may get throat cancer from having oral sex with women than from smoking as the result of a virus linked to the malignancy, a study suggests.
Researchers examined 271 throat-tumor samples collected over 20 years ending in 2004 and found the percentage of oral cancer linked to the human papillomavirus, or HPV, surged to 72 percent from about 16 percent, according to a report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
By 2020, the virus-linked throat tumors, which mostly affected men, will become more common than HPV-caused cervical cancer, the report found.
HPV is known for infecting genitals. The finding that it can spread to the throat and cause cancer may increase pressure on Merck & Co., the second-largest U.S. drugmaker, to conduct large-scale trials to see if its vaccine Gardasil, which wards off cervical cancer in women, also prevents HPV throat infections, said Maura Gillison, an oncologist at Ohio State University and study senior author.
"The burden of cancer caused by HPV is going to shift from women to men in this decade," Gillison said in a telephone interview. "What we believe is happening is that the number of sexual partners and exposure to HPV has risen over that same time period."
No further study
Pamela Eisele, a spokeswoman for Merck, said the company decided not to move ahead with a big oral cancer study "due to competing research and business priorities." GlaxoSmithKline PLC has no plans to study the company's competing vaccine, Cervarix, outside of cervical cancer, Jennifer Armstrong, a company spokeswoman, said in an email.
Gardasil is approved for preventing cervical, vaginal and anal cancers and genital warts, and is recommended for girls and women ages 9 through 26. It is also approved for preventing genital warts and anal cancer in boys and young men of the same ages. GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix is approved for preventing cervical cancer in females ages 9 through 25.
Both vaccines target the HPV strain linked to oral cancer, Gillison said.
HPV-linked throat cancers are increasing so rapidly that by 2020 there will be 8,700 U.S. cases, with 7,400 cases in men, versus 7,700 cases of cervical cancer, the study said. Male cases alone will outnumber cervical cancer cases soon after 2020, Gillison said.
Tobacco use
Until recently, head and neck cancer mainly occurred in older patients and was associated with tobacco and alcohol use. The HPV-linked head and neck cancers, usually of the tonsils, palate or tongue, hit men their 30s, 40s, and 50s, Gillison said.
The decline in HPV-negative oral cancers mirrors the decline of smoking in the U.S., the study said.
Read more: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2011/10/04/2662164/virus-linked-oral-cancer-on-rise.html#ixzz1Zp4XrKse
So with that being said, Guys Are you gonna stop!?!?
Women are you gonna tell guys to stop for their health!?!?
Just Got Some Ground-Breaking News from the Charlotte Observer
More males may get throat cancer from having oral sex with women than from smoking as the result of a virus linked to the malignancy, a study suggests.
Researchers examined 271 throat-tumor samples collected over 20 years ending in 2004 and found the percentage of oral cancer linked to the human papillomavirus, or HPV, surged to 72 percent from about 16 percent, according to a report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
By 2020, the virus-linked throat tumors, which mostly affected men, will become more common than HPV-caused cervical cancer, the report found.
HPV is known for infecting genitals. The finding that it can spread to the throat and cause cancer may increase pressure on Merck & Co., the second-largest U.S. drugmaker, to conduct large-scale trials to see if its vaccine Gardasil, which wards off cervical cancer in women, also prevents HPV throat infections, said Maura Gillison, an oncologist at Ohio State University and study senior author.
"The burden of cancer caused by HPV is going to shift from women to men in this decade," Gillison said in a telephone interview. "What we believe is happening is that the number of sexual partners and exposure to HPV has risen over that same time period."
No further study
Pamela Eisele, a spokeswoman for Merck, said the company decided not to move ahead with a big oral cancer study "due to competing research and business priorities." GlaxoSmithKline PLC has no plans to study the company's competing vaccine, Cervarix, outside of cervical cancer, Jennifer Armstrong, a company spokeswoman, said in an email.
Gardasil is approved for preventing cervical, vaginal and anal cancers and genital warts, and is recommended for girls and women ages 9 through 26. It is also approved for preventing genital warts and anal cancer in boys and young men of the same ages. GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix is approved for preventing cervical cancer in females ages 9 through 25.
Both vaccines target the HPV strain linked to oral cancer, Gillison said.
HPV-linked throat cancers are increasing so rapidly that by 2020 there will be 8,700 U.S. cases, with 7,400 cases in men, versus 7,700 cases of cervical cancer, the study said. Male cases alone will outnumber cervical cancer cases soon after 2020, Gillison said.
Tobacco use
Until recently, head and neck cancer mainly occurred in older patients and was associated with tobacco and alcohol use. The HPV-linked head and neck cancers, usually of the tonsils, palate or tongue, hit men their 30s, 40s, and 50s, Gillison said.
The decline in HPV-negative oral cancers mirrors the decline of smoking in the U.S., the study said.
Read more: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2011/10/04/2662164/virus-linked-oral-cancer-on-rise.html#ixzz1Zp4XrKse
So with that being said, Guys Are you gonna stop!?!?
Women are you gonna tell guys to stop for their health!?!?
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Number's Game
Last week I received this anonymous message in the Ask The Dubb Chat:
Ok where do I start. So me and my boyfriend have been dating for about a year. I met him through a mutual friend at a Halloween party. Things got off to a slow start, since it was a long distance kinda thing at first. Not to mention, he was finalizing things with his roommate/ex girlfriend. It really didn’t bother me that he and his ex still lived together, because I was still somewhat involved with someone back home. After he moved to my city, I started to fall for him because he would treat me so good, and he knew how to put it down.
He never discussed his past partners other than the one he was staying with, and I never asked. But call it females intuition, i had a feeling he had been with alot of girls. About a few months ago, he started hanging out late, til like 4 and 5 A.M. I didn’t really start to questioning it til I found this piece of paper with a bunch of girls on it.
The list had cities and states on it too! I saw my name, his ex,and few other names I heard him talk about under NC. WTF??!! This was obviously a listing of the bitches he has fucked! There was at least 75 names on this piece of paper. What caught my eye was there were two names under “Miami” where he went for his birthday.
Now I feel like every time he goes out, he’s cheating. Not to mention he keeps his phone on silent all the time, gets calls in the middle of the night, and ends his conversations when I walk in the room. Now It's getting to me because he has had 4 times as many partners I've had. Am I women blind by good sex or am I just looking for something?
Now along with her question, when I was reading this it opposed a few more questions. It seems like it's a double standard with numbers? From this girls story it seems as if women are attracted to guys with more numbers? If the guy had only been with 1 or 2 people would this have been a different story!?!?
Also Fellas, whats the maximum number from a female could you handle!?!?
Remember the motto: You don't have to fake it in here!
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