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Thursday, October 9, 2014

I aint saying she a gold digger but....

Welcome back to the dubb spot everybody. Its been 3 long years since our last post, but due to a high demand we have decided to bring it back. A lot has gone on in this 3 year hiatus. Some of us have gotten married, had kids, gradutated from college, new jobs, and some of us are still miserable. But through it all it makes for some great conversation

We have a new rule here at the Dubb Spot: "No Feelings Allowed!" There will be no filter on the content of our comments. If someone is getting in their feelings, send them this pic:

So our first topic is going to stem from a question I received earlier today:

Why are women required to work hard, be independent, and have their stuff together but when they require the same things from a male, they are considered gold diggers?

So tonight's topic is going to be on expectations. What do you expect from the opposite sex in a relationship?

Women Do you still expect men to be the providers?
Men Do you still expect women to cook and clean?

Just to throw a lil monkey wrench in things. 2 follow up questions:
Women would you date a man who makes 50% less than you?
Men would you date a women who makes significantly more than you?

PS: Remeber the motto, You aint gotta lie to kick it...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Double Back

Welcome One Welcome All To Another Episode Of Watch The Dubb Thursdays!
Where the mottos is “You ain’t gotta fake it in here”

We got a personal issue question to speak on tonight? I think we all have dealt with this and have their own little story behind it.
So this is from a lady who sent us a email earlier this week.

So this young lady has just broken up with her boyfriend that she has been with for about 2 ½ years. No cheating was involved. But its going on about 3 months and she hasn’t found anybody worth her time. At the same time her ex is still in her ear. She is wondering if she should go back or not.

So I propose the Questions to the Ask The Dubb community, Have you ever been in this situation? Did you go back and what was the outcome?

So is it a good idea to double back or not!?!?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

"I Hate Him! I Wish He Would Just Leave! Grrrrrr!"

Welcome Once again to another Ask The Dubb Thursdays. Where speak on topics for the people and by the people. Of Course you all know the motto “You Aint Gotta Fake It In Here”

Tonight I can definitely say will be funny. I got an e-mail from someone asking me to speak on this topic.

What are somethings that the opposite sex does that just gets on your nerves!?!?

Talking your head off!


Always Being Negative!

Don’t Shave Her Legs!

I will let y’all Finish It Up

P.S. Welcome all the New Comers

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Keep That Water Flowing

Welcome One Welcome All To Ask The Dubb Thursdays. Where the motto is “You Aint Gotta Fake It In Here”

Ok Ladies we got another Anonymous guy post in the Honesty Box of “Dubbspot Blogsite” on facebook. Ladies if you don’t want to email us a comment, post it in the Honesty Box of “Dubbspot Blogsite”
Ok so this topic tonight is more like a Q&A kind of deal. Anonymous #2 wanted to ask you ladies, “What Turns you off in the Bedroom?”
To add on to this and make it a little more interesting, Explain some situations that you have that were terrible or name some situations that made you Praise His Name!
Fellas explain what you like or Hate as well!

P.S. Remember The Anonymous Button is Always A Option

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I Want The Title

Once again Welcome To Ask The Dubb Thursdays. Where our motto is: You Aint Gotta Fake It In Here. Up til today all of our topics have come from women, but tonight we had a guy post a honesty box comment in “Dubbspot Blogsite” On Facebook. So this guy had an anonymous questions he wanted to ask the ladies.
And I Quote:
“When everything is going good in a relationship, why do women always want to define and put titles on what is going on?”

So lets play on that question a little bit.

Guys, do you agree that women want to define everything!?!?
Ladies, Do you feel its not serious unless there are titles involved!?!?

Lets Weigh In… And Welcome To All our New Followers

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ghost Of P@$$! Past

There are a few newcomers to The Dubb Spot, I want to say welcome! Every Thursday night at 8PM Eastern Time, we have a different topic we speak on. These topics come directly from our fans and visitors. You can send us a topic by emailing us at dubbnote@gmail.com, or the honesty box on facebook of "dubbspot blogsite". We have been getting alot of topics so dont feel discouraged if we dont get to it right away.

Ok so this was another topic that was sent to the honesty box on Facebook of "dubbspot blogsite".

So if youre in a new relationship, can you still be friends, text, hang out with your ex!?!? 

Can you handle your partner being friends with their ex!?!?

Has this ever happened, and how did you deal!?!?

And please don't forget the motto, "you ain't gotta fake it in here"

P.S. You can post as anonymous....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wait For It....

Somebody sent this topic to the honesty box of "dubbnote blogsite" on Facebook. 
This topic is pretty self explanatory.
Ladies, after u meet a guy how long do you wait before u give it up!?!?
Fellas, how long do you take on trying to get it before you give up!?!?

P.S. Does Eddie hold some validity behind what he is saying!?!?

Remember the motto, You ain't gotta fake it in here!